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August 15, 2015 / Leslie

Weekend Birding: The Nesting Shelf

The Robin’s Nest

A few weeks ago on Wordless Wednesday, I posted a photo of an American Robin sitting on a nest she had built on a “nesting shelf” on the side of my garage. I put this up years ago and until this summer, the birds ignored it.

Female Robin on nesting shelf

Several species of birds will use a shelf including Doves, Blue Jays, and Phoebes to name a few. The plans to build a shelf are free and available at 50Birds.

A Successful Nest

I kept watch on the nest from a distance and avoided going on that side of the garage so I wouldn’t scare them away or alert predators to the presence of a nest. After a few weeks, I noticed the parents were delivering food and could just barely see a few tiny beaks popping up. There were at least three, possibly four nestlings.

Robin on nest

After about 14 days the nestlings are ready to fledge. This is the last one. The parents are still feeding him and here he accepts a delivery of a large green insect. He kept standing on the nest and flapping his wings. You can see his little feet gripping the edge of the nest. I knew it wouldn’t be long before he tried to fly out.

Leaving the Nest

Fledgling Robin

In the time it took me to walk around the house to the other side of the garage, the baby had flown a short distance to a cable wire. Flying isn’t so easy though, especially when you don’t have much of a tail. His next attempt to fly landed him on ground.


The parents were always nearby, still feeding and watching over him and the other fledglings who had wandered into the safety of the backyard. They will spend the next week or so teaching the youngsters how find food and water and avoid danger.

The fledglings are very trusting and vulnerable for the first few days and often look like a bird in need of assistance. But if you hide and watch carefully, you will see the parents come back and tend to them.


Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Melinda of West Metro Mommy. Visit her blog to see more great photos.

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Leave a Comment
  1. Vicki / Aug 15 2015 12:00 pm

    How awesome!! I love seeing your bird photos, they make me want to go bird watching.


  2. Gautami S Tripathy / Aug 15 2015 12:26 pm

    Loved the pics! Awesome! I love birds!

    ​Here is my ​post


  3. Ginny / Aug 15 2015 5:03 pm

    Wow, great photos.


  4. Diane / Aug 15 2015 6:22 pm

    Terrific captures – I loved seeing them.


  5. BermudaOnion / Aug 15 2015 6:58 pm

    What fabulous photos – especially the one of the baby bird being fed.


  6. Suko / Aug 15 2015 11:38 pm

    Wonderful pics, Leslie! I really like the idea of putting up a nesting shelf and will take a look–thank you!


  7. Indrani / Aug 16 2015 1:27 am

    So cool to see all that happening right in front of you. Great pics.


  8. Mary / Aug 16 2015 7:09 am

    Great pics, Leslie.


  9. Coco in the Kitchen / Aug 19 2015 3:26 pm

    What a beautiful chronicle!



  1. Mailbox Monday ~ August 17th | Under My Apple Tree
  2. Weekend Birding: Robin Fledglings | Under My Apple Tree

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