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March 31, 2015 / Leslie

Books for Young Readers

Ella by Mallory Kasdan, Illustrations by Marcos Chin


Publisher: Viking Books | January 2015
Age: 5 – 8 years | 56 pages

This is ELLA. She is six years old. She lives at the Local Hotel. She has a nanny called Manny. He has tattoos for sleeves and he might go in with some guys to buy a grilled cheese truck. Sometimes Ella weaves purses out of Ziploc bags and reclaimed twine. (She is artsy of course.) She has a dog named Stacie and a fish named Rasta and a scooter which is important for getting everywhere she needs to be. Altogether she has been to 62 events including that Hillary Clinton fundraiser. She is NEVER bored. If Ella and Kay Thompson’s Eloise got together for a play date, they would have a very good time indeed.

A charming homage to Eloise, and a delightful update on the classic.

Instead of living at The Plaza, Ella lives at The Local Hotel, and, like Eloise, she is a precocious child who knows everything about the hotel and the people in it; a capable, competent little girl whose upscale, successful mom is often traveling or away from home.

The dialog and humor feel directed towards adults, who will smile when recalling Eloise from their youth, while young children will enjoy the illustrations and the modern-day theme. Much of what happens during Ella’s adventures can be used to spur conversation and lessons with the young readers.

Rating: 4 stars
Source: Review copy provided by the Tandem Literary.
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  1. BermudaOnion / Mar 31 2015 6:36 pm

    I really liked Ella but wondered if young readers would get her.


  2. Sheila (Book Journey) / Apr 1 2015 9:05 am

    I am curious about these books. I have never real Ella but know the name.


  3. sagustocox / Apr 6 2015 11:54 am

    I liked her, but I think I don’t have the reference point of Eloise that others seem to have. I thought the girl was very much like my daughter when she’s a bit older given her current curiosity and lack of fear.


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